Heart & Soul: The Meeting (Heartland Series) Page 2
Whoa, what did he just say? Alistair Lockwood? The Alistair Lockwood? One of the most eligible bachelors in the world? She’d seen his pictures on the Internet, seen some, if not all of his movies. He was the ultimate romantic lead for any Hollywood blockbuster. Men wanted to be him, women wanted to be with him. Sure, he had a reputation for being arrogant and self-centred, which is probably why the women in his life never lasted long, but that meant nothing to her as this was Alistair Lockwood!
“Alistair Lockwood?” She said, voicing her thoughts out loud
She saw the way David was looking at her and caught the amused smile as he took her elbow and hurried through the large glass doors and out of the offices.
“You wouldn’t be the first women to be star struck by the guy. He’s the Hollywood heartthrob at the moment but I need to you to keep it together Sam. Can you do that for me? I need to land this account if I’m to stand any chance of getting that promotion. Alistair Lockwood being represented by this firm is a major deal. Hell it’s a gigantic fucking deal. You up for this?”
All she could do was nod as the elevator took them down to the ground floor. After following David through the foyer, she was safely ensconced in the back of one of the company’s fleet of cars heading through the Toronto traffic to a meeting with one of Hollywood’s most sought after stars. This was going to be one hell of a day.
~ 2 ~
Ten minutes later, the car pulled up outside the Fairmont Royal York hotel. During the drive through Toronto, David had given her the salient information about their meeting, telling her all about the pitch he had prepared and a little about their potential client’s history. She’d made all the right noises, nodding when it was appropriate, but if she was honest, she hadn’t taken much of it in. All she could concentrate on was the fact that within the next few minutes, she was going to be in the same room as Alistair Lockwood.
Sam knew she wasn’t going to get the chance to check her appearance before the meeting. David had hurried them out of the Heartland building so quickly she hadn’t had chance to grab her purse containing all the essentials any self respecting woman needed to make it through the work day.
She thanked god that she’d gone for simple make-up that morning, a little mascara and a pale pink lip gloss. Her hair was swept up either side with a couple of clips, leaving the rest of her strawberry blond hair in loose curls down her back. She didn’t want to look like she was trying too hard to impress a potential client. She’d learnt that too much make-up could be more of a turn off than a turn on for some guys.
What on earth was she thinking?
Sam let out a small laugh and shook her head. As if Alistair Lockwood would even give her a second look. She knew she’d be lucky if he even gave her a first look. His meeting was with the agent, not the PA and she knew from speaking with some of the girls around the office that most clients didn’t even acknowledge the PA. They kinda just faded into the background.
Despite knowing all of this, it didn’t mean she didn’t want to at least look presentable. Sam knew that her white, fitted blouse and black pencil skirt were suitable for the occasion but did she really want to look businesslike in front of one of the hottest men currently alive?
I knew I should have gone for the red dress.
As her car door was opened by the valet, Sam stepped out, nodding her thanks and joined David on the sidewalk. He was doing his best to appear calm but she could tell he was nervous. However, if it was one thing she’d learnt from working with him, it was that David wouldn’t let Lockwood see he unnerved him.
“Here we go Sam. It’s now or never.” David said as he took a deep breath.
Giving him a small smile, she fell into step with him as they turned and walked into the fancy hotel. They’d only taken a couple of steps through the door and Sam saw the concierge heading towards them, giving them both a polite nod and smile.
“Sir, Miss, how can I help you today?” he asked and Sam detected just a hint of a French accent.
“David Hughes and Samantha Westfield to see Mr Carlisle.”
“Of course sir, Mr Carlisle is expecting you. If you’d like to take the far elevator to the sixteenth floor, someone will meet you there.”
Nodding their thanks to the concierge, they crossed the expansive foyer. Sam knew that most big time celebrities used a pseudonym for hotel stays, mainly to try and keep ardent fans at bay. Clearly, Alistair Lockwood did the same and she couldn’t say she blamed him. She’d read enough stories about fans breaking into hotels rooms and private residences just to get a glimpse of their idols. Whenever she read anything like it, a shiver ran down her spine at all the things that could have happened.
As they walked, Sam took in her surroundings. She’d only been to this place once before, and that was just to ask for directions, but it was still as stunning as she remembered.
The whole lobby was elegant but not over the top. Several plush couches and chairs were located for guests to use, some located centrally in the large foyer, others in alcoves for more privacy. Opulent chandeliers hung from the high ceiling, giving off a glow that softened the hew of the creamy coloured walls. A large, winding staircase led downwards and she craned her neck to try and see what was down there before they arrived at the elevators. David pushed the button farthest away from them and the large doors slid open smoothly. As soon as they were inside, the doors shut with a soft hiss and David pushed the button for the sixteenth floor.
Sam could only imagine what it would be like to be able to afford to stay in a place like this. Well, she could afford it, but she knew it would wipe out a good chuck of her savings, which was something she wouldn’t do. Having an investment banker for a brother had taught her how to manage her money, at least her checking and savings accounts. Her credit card was a whole other story and she dreaded to think what Xander would say if he knew she was stretching her credit limit to the max.
As the elevator smoothly whisked them to their destination, Sam checked her reflection in the mirrored walls as it ascended. Quickly doing a scan on her appearance, she swiped at her cheek to remove a stray eyelash and smacked her lips together to even out the pink gloss. Satisfied with her face, she then smoothed down her skirt that came to a stop just above her knees and pulled at the hem of her blouse. Straightening, she saw David watching her, his mouth curved slightly in that half smile that had most of the girls in the office ready to throw their panties at him.
“You look fine Sam, stop worrying. If anyone should be worried it’s me. My entire career rests on this meeting.”
“No pressure then?” Sam said with a small smile, pleased that he picked up the intended humour and returned the smile with a quick shoulder bump.
Moments later, the elevator came to a halt and the doors opened easily. Standing in the entrance to one of the suites stood a tall, blond woman that Sam could only describe as gorgeous. She wore a scarlet red, skirt suit which stopped several inches above her knees and skyscraper black heels that made her already long legs look like they went on forever. Her platinum blond hair fell in sleek waves passed her shoulders and her full lips were painted to match her suit. If Sam hadn’t felt under dressed before, she definitely did now. The woman exuded confidence and elegance and carried herself in a way Sam could only dream of emulating one day. Sam’s sexual preferences had always leaned towards men, but for this woman, she may revaluate.
“Mr Hughes, Miss Westfield?” She asked as they stepped off the elevator, the doors sliding shut behind them. “Please follow me, Mr Lockwood will be out momentarily.”
They followed the blond through a set of double doors into what could only be described as a place fit for one of Hollywood’s greatest modern day stars. It might be a super expensive suite in an exclusive Toronto hotel but she had a feeling that this whole place had been decorated to Alistair Lockwood’s personal tastes as it certainly didn’t look like any hotel room she’d ever been in.
The soft mocha coloured walls were filled with mo
dern art which, despite her minimal knowledge of the art world, she had no doubt were originals. A sumptuous leather couch formed an “L” shape and was angled to face the huge open fireplace that dominated the main area. The wrought iron grate was encased in a cream marble surround and hearth that had been polished to within an inch of its life. The marble gleamed as the sunlight streamed in through the floor to ceiling windows.
Whilst she was impressed by all of this, it was the view of downtown Toronto that really took her breath away, that was until she set her eyes on the reason they were here at the Fairmont Royal York. Even though she’d seen his movies and many, many of his photos, nothing could have prepared her for what seeing him in the flesh would do to her system. Sam stood next to David as Alistair Lockwood, Hollywood A-Lister, stepped into the room.
He was dressed casually in black pants and a button down, white, linen shirt. His inky black hair wasn’t short, but neither was it long. It was a little ruffled, just the way she imagined it would look if someone had just run their fingers through it. He had broad shoulders, a trim waist and lean hips, the perfect inverted triangle.
As he closed in on where they stood, his movements appeared effortless. For such a tall man, she guessed at least several inches above six feet, there was an elegance and grace about the way he moved. His one hand was nestled in his pants pocket, the other rested at his side. Sam could see that his eyes were a brilliant blue and there was a golden tan to his skin, emphasised by his dark hair and the light shirt. He wore the two top buttons undone which revealed a smooth expanse of skin. Sam couldn’t stop her thoughts from wondering exactly what lay beneath the material that covered his body from view.
She’d never before met a man that she would describe as beautiful, an adjective she’d always associated with women, but Alistair Lockwood was easily the most beautiful man she’d ever seen.
She didn’t need to look at him to know that David was watching her. He quietly cleared his throat, a subtle reminder that she needed to keep herself together. Sure, she was in the presence of one of, if not, the hottest man she’d ever seen before in her life, but that was no excuse to let her insides turn to mush. Taking a deep breath, Sam straightened her back and plastered a smile to her face, determined to be as professional as possible, on the outside at least.
“Mr Lockwood,” David began, “It’s so good of you to meet with us. I know you must be very busy.”
She watched as David and Alistair shook hands, Alistair’s free hand coming up to hold David’s forearm. She’d read about this somewhere, in one of her courses at college. She recalled that the action was a display of dominance. Alistair saw himself as being in charge, the dominant male in his environment. She couldn’t help but wonder whether that dominance extended to the bedroom.
Whoa, down girl. Don’t even go there.
“David, it’s good to finally meet you. I’ve heard nothing but good things about your agency. I’m interested to see what you can offer me. My current agent is going through a bit of a bad patch and I can’t have it rubbing off on me. You know how these things can stick, guilty by association and all that.”
Sam watched as the two men exchange pleasantries, well, she watched Alistair. She could look at David anytime she wanted back at the office. How many chances did she get to ogle such a fine male specimen? Whilst she couldn’t deny that David was very easy on the eye, no one could compare to Alistair.
The tone of his voice was as smooth as silk and extremely seductive as he spoke. She imagined what it would be like to hear that voice whispering in her ear, telling her all the things he was going to do to make her come whilst his hands did wicked things to her body.
Pushing the unbidden thoughts away, Sam tried to concentrate on the words he spoke, rather than the voice that was speaking them. Whilst his biography said he was Canadian, she could hear the slight hint of an accent, one that she couldn’t quite place. She found it extremely sexy. Wherever he came from, Sam decided she could listen to that voice all day long.
He’d only been here for a few moments, but she didn’t see any hint of the arrogance he was alleged to possess. Instead, Sam saw a self-assured individual who knew that he was master of his domain, wherever that may be.
She was trying her hardest not to stare at him but the man was so damn beautiful it was practically impossible not to. She’d never been the kind of girl to go all gaga over a guy. She always prided herself on her confidence when it came to matters of the heart. She never rushed in to any kind of relationship, preferring to get to know the guy before getting into the physical side of things.
She had certain rules that she’d lived by ever since she’d entered the dating scene back in college. Sam had lived by those rules ever since her first stab at a relationship, if you could call it that, ended badly. At 18, she’d fallen for a guy in her class and she’d fallen hard. Pretty quickly, Sam realised that she’d mistaken lust for love and all the guy was interested in was getting inside her pants. Unfortunately, she’d given him what he wanted within a couple of days of meeting him and once she had, he’d lost all interest and moved on to the next unsuspecting girl. Since then, she’d lived by three rules:
1. Make the guy wait at least a month before having sex. She figured if that’s all he’s after, he’ll get bored and move on. Any genuine guy would be prepared to wait until she was ready
2. Never kiss on a first date. No point letting them think it may lead to something more
3. Always be in control of any sexual situation. She liked to make sure things were happening on her terms and at her speed
Those three little rules had worked for her for the last seven years. She’d stuck to them rigidly, unless you counted one drunken night on her last night in New York, but apart from that, she’d been in firm control of her love life, never getting in too deep too quickly. Of course, with Alistair, she’d jump in feet first and throw all rules out the window, no matter how reckless it may be.
Dragging her brain out of the gutter and back to the present, she realised that Alistair had stopped talking with David and both men were stood watching her.
“And who might this be?” Alistair said, his bright, blue eyes connecting with Sam’s, those perfectly formed lips curving into a smile.
“Alistair Lockwood, this is my PA Samantha Westfield.”
Sam vaguely heard David introducing her to the gorgeous hunk of manliness in front of her. Now it was her turn to speak and she threw up a silent prayer that her voice sounded as normal as it could, under the circumstances.
“Mr Lockwood. It’s very nice to meet you.” Sam said, pleased that she’d managed to say it without stuttering or tripping over her words, making a note to thank the big man later.
“The pleasure is all mine, Miss Westfield. Please, call me Alistair.”
“As you wish, Alistair.”
“May I call you Samantha? Or Sam?”
“Sam is fine.”
“Very well, Sam.”
Sam felt him take her hand in both of his, the contact sending what she hoped was a not so noticeable shiver from her head right down to her toes. She felt the spark of electricity as he touched her and she couldn’t help but wonder if he’d felt it too. The way he said her name had her all but melting into a puddle in front of him. She was acutely aware of her own femininity as he stood so close that she could smell the alluring scent of his cologne. It was soft and subtle but at the same time there was a masculinity about it that only served to draw her in further.
Her guess about his height proved to be accurate. Sam was five feet eight in heels, and he was at least a head taller than she was. She glanced up into his eyes and she swore they were several shades darker than when he had entered the room. Sam knew she should say something, anything as long as it meant he wasn’t looking at her and seeing what she was sure was a nice rosy blush on her cheeks.
She had heard the words he’d just spoke, but for some reason, her rampant imagination had zeroed in on the word “pl
easure,” making her wonder exactly how much pleasure those sensual lips could give her. Images of her and Alistair sprawled on that large couch as his lips teased and tormented her body flashed through her mind.
Feeling someone take her elbow, she realised that Alistair had released her hand and was now headed in the direction of that same couch, giving her a near perfect view of his tight ass beneath the dark pants.
Lord have mercy the man was fine.
“Please, take a seat.” Alistair said as he gestured to the blond they’d met when they’d arrived. “Can I get either of you a drink? A glass of wine perhaps?”
“That would be lovely Alistair. Thank you.”
“Kelly, three glasses of the Shiraz please.”
Sam watched as the blond nodded and then glided from the room on her towering heels. She knew it was bitchy, and she was conforming to the blond stereotype, but part of her wasn’t surprised she had a name like Kelly. She fought a smile as she wondered whether it was spelt with an “I” or a “Y”.
She was pleased that David had accepted the offer of drinks on behalf of them both. Her thoughts were all over the place and she wasn’t sure that she could trust her voice to be either stable or coherent, not for a second time. Sam had never considered herself to have an active imagination, but all that seemed to have changed since she’d met Alistair. It was currently conjuring up all sorts of racy images, all of which involved her and Alistair in many delicious positions that would put the Karma Sutra to shame.