Heart & Soul: The Meeting (Heartland Series) Read online

Page 3

  Kelly with the “I” or “Y” returned a few moments later, carrying a tray laden with three sparkling crystal glasses half filled with a deep red liquid. Taking the glass that the blond offered her with a smile, Sam took a long sip, finding the crisp liquid a welcome contrast to her slightly heated skin. Placing their glasses on what she was sure was a very expensive coffee table, the two men began talking business.

  Sam knew that she should listen as this was a valuable learning experience for her, but it was so hard to concentrate on anything other than the dark haired Adonis that sat a few feet away. At least, with the way they were sitting, Sam was able to look in his direction and take in his gorgeous appearance without it seeming too strange.

  Now that they were all seated, she could see his face more clearly, admiring the strong, square jaw line, the brilliant blue eyes shielded by long, dark lashes most women would kill for. A lock of his hair had fallen over his forehead and her fingers itched to push it back into place.

  As far as he would know, she was listening intently to what he was saying. Part of her was doing that, the part that cared about her work, but she found all the words were merging into one as the softness of his voice swam through her mind. The part of her that cared about her dormant libido and her currently stagnant sex life was only thinking about one thing; what it would feel like to be lying naked beneath Alistair whilst he fucked her into oblivion.

  The images her mind was creating did nothing to help Sam get through the meeting in one piece and she took another long drink of her wine. Taking a breath she looked up, seeing that both David’s and Alistair’s eyes were fixed on her, realising she’d done it again. She’d missed another conversation between the two men and she had no idea what they’d been discussing.

  Was the meeting over and they were now waiting for her to finish her wine? Quickly flicking her eyes over to the coffee table, she dismissed that idea when she saw both of their glasses were almost untouched, whereas hers was one mouthful away from being empty. She shuddered to think what he thought of her almost finishing her wine so quickly.

  Sam’s gaze returned to the two men, lingering on Alistair longer than it should have, but she was sure there was a ghost of a smile on his lips. Could he tell how distracted she was? How affected she was by him?

  “Will that be okay Sam?” She heard him say in that oh so sexy voice.

  Would what be okay? Sam inwardly kicked herself, knowing that she should have listened to what they were saying instead of losing herself in fantasies about Alistair Lockwood; fantasies that she had no right to be thinking and would, in no way shape or form, ever come to fruition.

  The question hung in the air as she silently chastised herself for getting so caught up in this man; this beautiful, gorgeous, hotter than hell man. Sam knew she needed to give an answer, but not knowing the reason for the question, she took a stab in the dark and hoped for the best.

  “That will be fine.”

  There was silence as both men watched her take a sip of her remaining wine. When neither man said anything, Sam began to think she’d said the wrong thing, that was until David and Alistair turned back to each other and their conversation resumed. She breathed out slowly as they moved their attentions from her. It appeared that she’d avoided that pothole, although she had no idea what she had just agreed to.

  To be Alistair Lockwood’s sex slave.

  Sam closed her eyes and squeezed her thighs together to try and dull the ache that was steadily increasing at the apex of her thighs. She had to get these rampant thoughts under control before they overtook all rational thought and she jumped Alistair where he sat. That definitely wouldn’t look good for the company.

  Their conversation continued for a further few minutes before she heard Alistair calling the meeting to a close.

  “It’s been lovely to have met you David. I’ll consult with my team and I shall get back to you as soon as I can. What you have to offer sounds good. I hope I can give you some good news when we speak again.” Alistair said as he clasped David’s hand in his.

  They all stood together and Kelly in the bright red suit reappeared as if from nowhere, ready to escort them back to the elevator. Sam began to wonder exactly who she was. She always seemed to appear when needed. Was she Alistair’s girlfriend? Sam hated the fact that the possibility of Alistair having a girlfriend troubled her. She had no hold over this man, she’d only just met him for Christ’s sake, yet for some reason, just the thought of a woman being him that intimately disappointed her more than she would ever admit.

  Knowing that she needed to regain control, Sam followed as David walked ahead of her. She was suddenly pleased that she’d worn low heels, three inches was low for her considering what she normally wore, as she felt the wine begin to go to her head. She inwardly scolded herself for two things; One for not having breakfast that morning and two, accepting the wine on an empty stomach. It was never a good combination for anyone, but for her, it could be downright lethal.

  Keeping her focus on David’s back, Sam stumbled slightly before she felt a strong hand at her waist. She didn’t have to turn to know who it was, the fire shooting through her veins and the quickening of her pulse told her that it was Alistair who was holding her up, anchoring her tightly at his side as they moved across the room.

  “You’re not used to wine I see.” He said with an amused smile and a twinkle in his eyes.

  “I’m fine. Thank you.” Sam said, taking a reluctant step away, forcing him to release his hold on her waist as she tried to put some space between them, sighing in relief.

  Her reprieve was short lived as Alistair didn’t stay away long. He was soon at her side, his hand gently cupping her elbow, leading her across the room. It was a simple gesture and Sam knew Alistair was just trying to be a gentleman by escorting her to her destination, which in this case was the exit to the suite. But the contact, even through the material of her blouse, was making her body react in ways that, no matter how much she tried, she couldn’t control.

  Whilst his nearness was playing havoc with her equilibrium, she was grateful for his presence. The last thing she wanted was to fall flat on her face. It didn’t hurt that the close proximity gave her another chance to inhale his scent. Hints of sandalwood permeated the air. She assumed it was a mix of body wash and a subtle cologne, giving him a unique aroma all of his own. It was one that Sam wouldn’t forget anytime soon. If the wine hadn’t already gone to her head, the way he smelt certainly would have.

  Taking a quick look at his profile, she took in his well defined cheekbones, covered in a light smattering of stubble, indicating he hadn’t yet shaved today. His aquiline nose was in perfect proportion to the rest of his face. Was it any wonder that producers and directors were willing to pay millions to have him in one of their movies? His eyelashes, that looked long from the front, seemed to be an impossible length from the side. He was pure, unadulterated maleness and just being close to him did things to her body that she hadn’t felt in a very long time.

  It wasn’t until they were at the elevators and the leggy blond pushed the call button that he released her elbow and took a step back. He thrust one hand into his pocket and the other he pushed back through his dark hair, something that her fingers had been itching to do from the moment she’d met him.

  “A pleasure to meet you both. David.” He said then paused, looking her right in the eyes, a small smile on his lips. “Samantha.”

  Sam knew that she was probably reading more into it, but the way he’d just said her name, her full given name, so soft and sultry send her mind back to that couch, her and Alistair stretched across it, his hands on her naked body, his lips doing tantalising things to her nipples. Sam felt a rush of liquid heat begin to spread between her thighs. As the elevator doors slid shut, the last image she saw was of Alistair rising over her and thrusting into her pussy as they began their descent back to the real world.


  The elevators doors seemed to take forever
to close. Alistair forced his feet to remain rooted to the spot, refusing to move to catch one last glimpse of the captivating redhead who’d just left his home away from home. When the doors finally closed and the digital display told him the elevator was descending, he pushed both hands through his hair and let out the breath he didn’t know he’d been holding.

  He wasn’t sure what had just happened, but whatever it was, it was something he had never experienced before and he was damn certain he hadn’t expected it. He’d spent a little over thirty minutes with David and Samantha and in that time all he’d been able to do was imagine what it would feel like to have Samantha spread out underneath him, writhing under his touch as he pushed inside her body and fucked her senseless until she screamed his name over and over.

  Shaking his head, Alistair turned and went back into his suite. Crossing the room with long, easy strides, he reached the bedroom within moments, his fingers working the buttons on his shirt as he went into the adjoining bathroom. Stripping his shirt from his body, Alistair reached into the shower and flipped it on. Kicking of his shoes, he removed what was left of his clothes and stepped under the cool stream of water. Placing his hands on the tiled wall, he let his head drop forward as the water beat down onto his back, cooling the skin that had become heated so quickly only several moments ago.

  As soon as he closed his eyes he knew it had been a mistake. All he could see was the length of her glossy red hair, the deep green of her eyes, the high cheekbones and full lips that just begged to be kissed. He’d noticed that she wore very little make-up, something he appreciated. He sometimes spent weeks, often months in the company of women who plastered their faces with layers of cosmetics until they were almost unrecognisable. There was nothing he found sexier than a woman who liked to be natural and it seemed Sam might be one of those women.

  As the water streamed down his back, he imagined her skin to be as soft as silk, her curvy figure to be as luscious in the flesh as it appeared through her clothes. He loved a woman with real curves, not these stick thin models that always seemed to make a bee line for him wherever he went. He always politely declined when they threw themselves at him. Fucking a skeleton didn’t appealed to him. He’d been there, done that and experience had taught him a lot.

  He’d never been egotistical, at least he didn’t think so, but he was sure there were others out there that would disagree. He’d had his share of women, both before and after he’d been launched into the public eye almost three years ago. He knew women found him attractive and he had the good grace to admit he’d used that to his advantage on more than one occasion, something that, looking back, he could honestly say he was ashamed of.

  He tended to go for brunettes. Redheads had never been his thing, until Samantha Westfield walked into his life. He knew that this was one woman who, if he was lucky, could change his mind about a number of things.

  When she’d almost toppled over on her heels, his instincts had kicked in and he’d reached out to steady her. As soon as his hand had come into contact with her slender waist through the thin material of her blouse, he’d felt his blood begin to heat as it left his brain and headed south. When she’d moved away, he saw a look in her eyes that he hadn’t been able to fully decipher, but he did know one thing though, it wasn’t a look of distaste.

  As soon as he’d taken her elbow to escort her across the room, he’d felt her body tense. Her back had been poker straight as she’d strode forward to catch up with her boss. He was at least a head taller than she so his long legs had enabled him to keep up with her pretty easily. When they’d parted at the elevators, he’d felt the loss immediately. Alistair knew that one meeting wasn’t enough, he had to see her again, somehow.

  Straightening, he tilted his head into the spray of water, cursing when he realised the chilly water was doing nothing to cool the blood that ran through his veins, or the desire that flooded his body, contributing to the raging erection that he was now sporting. He thanked god that the pants he’d worn for the meeting had been loose, considering he’d been hiding his reaction to her for almost the entire meeting. It had been one of the most uncomfortable yet thrilling meetings he’d ever attended.

  Turning the shower dial further to the right, he winced as the now freezing water hit his skin like needles. Taking himself in his hand, Alistair moved his fist along his rock hard length as his mind came up with all the different ways that he could take Samantha. On his couch, in his bed, against the wall, the kitchen counter. Fuck, he wanted to take her on every surface and against every wall in the place and then do it all over again just to make sure they’d not missed anywhere.

  Would she be an aggressive lover? Taking what she wanted and giving back in equal measure? If there was one thing he insisted on with his lovers, it was that they were able to vocalise what they wanted. He had never seen the point on being with someone if they couldn’t tell you what gave them pleasure. A woman who just lay there didn’t do anything for him. Was Samantha that kind of woman? Was she a standard missionary girl or more adventurous?

  All the images his mind was creating and his thoughts about the mysterious redhead continued to swirl through his brain. His already hard cock becoming almost painful with the desire he was feeling for a woman he’d seen for thirty minutes and knew nothing about. He hissed out a breath as his movements quickened, his grip getting tighter and he felt the familiar but yearned for sensations building throughout his body. Release came quickly as he cried out, coming in his hand, his body shaking violently as he slumped forward. Alistair’s legs turned to jelly as he sat, breathing deeply as his cock twitched with the final remnants of his orgasm.

  It took several minutes for Alistair to regain his composure. It wasn’t until he was sure his legs would carry his weight that he moved from the shower. Wrapping a towel round his waist to cover his still semi-erect cock, he pushed his sodden hair back off his face and headed into the bedroom, snatching up his cell phone. Finding the number he wanted, he dialled. The call was answered within moments.

  “Christopher? Alistair. I need you to find out all you can about an agency called Robinson, Morgan and Green. I know the basics, I want you to go deeper. It’s personal. If I wanted you to know I’d fucking tell you. My usual email address. Thanks”

  Ending the call, Alistair dropped the towel and headed to his closet. His craving had lessened but his thoughts were still filled with images of Samantha. He had to see her again, and soon.

  ~ 3 ~

  Dropping her purse on the floor as she entered her apartment, Sam collapsed onto the couch and let out a deep sigh. Kicking off her shoes, she left them in the middle of the floor as she swung her legs round and tucked them underneath her.

  She’d planned on making an appearance at the gym housed in the Heartland building after work, hoping that the physical exertion would work off some of the frustration she felt in her body since leaving the Royal York. She’d finally decided that no matter what she did, nothing would work, so she’d come straight home. Alistair Lockwood had awakened something inside her that she’d been happy to let sleep for a long time.

  The last time she’d felt anything like she’d felt in his presence, she’d been back in college. She’d forgotten how good it felt to see a guy and there be an instant attraction. No other man had caused such a strong physical reaction in her. Alistair was the embodiment of everything she’d ever wanted in a man, physically at least. She’d never met anyone who came even remotely close to looking like he did.

  She knew that those chiselled features and inky black hair were going to haunt both her waking and sleeping moments. Those deep, blue eyes had caught her attention straight away and she was sure they would be able to look deep into her soul if she let them. Yes, Alistair Lockwood would not be leaving her thoughts anytime soon.

  Sam knew that what she was feeling was completely irrational; that she was behaving like a school girl with a crush, but there was something about him that she just couldn’t resist. Forget the
fact that he was a world famous movie star who could get any woman he wanted. The person she’d seen was just a normal guy, he didn’t seem to have any of the heirs and graces she’d imagined a man of his status would have.

  The thought that she might not see him again made her body ache with sadness. Once Rachael returned to work, she would resume her position as David’s PA. Rachael would be the one attending any future meetings David may have with Alistair. Seeing him on the screen and the Internet just wasn’t going to be enough anymore, not now that she’d met the man himself. His physical presence was the only thing that was going to ease the heat that began to spread through her body at the mere thought of him.

  Knowing that she was going to drive herself crazy if she kept sitting here thinking like this, not to mention getting seriously frustrated at wanting something she couldn’t have, she stood and grabbed her purse. Reaching in, she pulled out her cell and sighed at the number of missed calls, texts and voicemails that were staring at her. It took but a few moments to delete the offending messages before she scrolled through the phonebook for the number she wanted. Hitting the call button, she waited for her only real friend in Toronto to answer.